broken toe


Part 1. Examining the Toe. Download Article. 1. Assess your pain level. If your toe is fractured, it's going to hurt when you put your weight on it, or when it's pressed on. You will probably still be able to walk, but moving around or putting weight on the toe might make the pain worse. [1] .

Broken Toe. Quick Facts. Broken Toe. (Toe Fracture) By. The Manual's Editorial Staff. Reviewed/Revised Jan 2023. VIEW PROFESSIONAL VERSION. Get the full details. What causes a toe to break? What are the symptoms of a broken toe? How can doctors tell if my toe is broken? How do doctors treat a broken toe?

Diagnosis. During the physical exam, health care providers typically check for tender areas in the toe. The provider also will check the skin around the injury to make sure it's not cut and that the toe is still getting blood flow and nerve signals. X-rays of the foot can confirm a broken toe.

Symptoms. Other pain and swelling. Seeing a doctor. Diagnosis. Treatment. Management. Pinky toe function. Summary. A person can break their pinky, or smallest, toe in a trauma, such as...

What Do You Do for a Broken Toe? Written by Nicole Rowe, MD | Reviewed by Katie E. Golden, MD. Updated on June 1, 2023. Key takeaways: Most broken toes can be treated at home with things like rest, ice, and taping. This is especially true for a broken middle and pinky toe. In rare cases, a broken toe might require surgery.

A broken toe is when you break a bone in one of your toes. It can cause pain, tenderness, redness, swelling, bruising and stiffness. You may need an X-ray, buddy taping, antibiotics or surgery to treat it. Learn how to prevent infection, arthritis or long-term foot pain.

Treatment. Buddy Tape. Complications. Recovery. What is a broken toe (fracture)? Trauma and the injury to the foot often cause one or more of the toe bones to break (fracture). A commonly injured area of the foot is the small bones of the toes (phalanges).

A broken toe can be painful, but you do not usually need to go to hospital. Learn how to treat it at home, when to get medical advice, and what to do if you have a bad cut or wound, severe toe pain, or a bone sticking out of your toe.

A broken toe is a common injury that can be treated at home with rest, ice, and pain relief. Learn how to care for your toe after a fracture, when to see a doctor, and what to expect from swelling, bruising, and stiffness.

A broken toe is a painful injury that can cause swelling, bruising, pain and misalignment of the toe. Learn the symptoms, when to see a doctor and what to do to help your toe heal at home. Find out when to get an X-ray and how to tape a broken toe correctly.

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